Are you hosting an annual conference or a live event? Don’t let any of those moments go un-filmed! Filming your live event will let the ideas presented at the event become timeless and be accessible to future audiences.
In this article, we have put together some of the best tips for filming your live event and creating engaging videos out of the recordings. Let’s jump right in!
Have a Clear Content Creation Strategy
Not only does recording the virtual event allow you to reach a much wider online audience, but also offers you the functionality to re-use the event videos for various purposes, such as marketing and/or training, for example. In addition to that, you can even populate your official website with lots of interesting and relevant video content.
But, how do you record a conference video? If you need material for showcasing the most important segments of your live event through social media channels, think of using interview clips of the speakers. On the other hand, to stir up online conversations and gauge popular opinions on a specific topic or issue, vox pop films can prove to be a very useful form of content, and you can use them for publishing post-event blog posts.
Decide Upon the Video Specs
It’s the job of your video production team to deliver the content in the format you need and edited for having the right impact on the viewers. This is why one of the first creative decisions that you need to make is what formats do you want your film in and how long should be each of their durations.
It’s a nice idea to get in-depth coverage of the entire live event, covering every speaker, also including ‘behind the scenes’ footage and clips of audience reaction. Alternatively, if you want to show only the top highlights of the event as a short montage, that’s fine too. However, both of these approaches will require a very different setup and video specs – and you will need to plan the video production process accordingly.
Another good strategy is to record time-lapses of the audience arriving at the venue and during event activities, such as networking or team building exercises. Also, don’t forget to film the audience’s reactions to any specific moments during the event, such as a speaker surprising the audience with a fun fact or cracking a joke in between the presentation.
Inform Your Video Production Partner Regarding the Event Schedule
Don’t forget to provide your video production partner with a detailed document entailing the event schedule, even if they don’t specifically ask you for it! This will give them an idea of how the various segments of the live event will flow, while providing them with a general outline to base their video production setup around. If there are any location changes or special requests that need to be taken into account, make sure these are shared in the notes as well.
Discuss Any “Must Capture” Moments You May Have in Mind
Ideally, you should outline the video production goals right from the start, at least a couple of days or a week ahead of the event. It’s always a great idea to put together a list of specific shots that you want to be captured. Make sure you also label the time and location where each of these moments will take place – this includes some of the B roll footage as well.
Here are some questions that can help you outline this part of the process:
Focus on the Quality of the Output
So, how can you make your videos look professional? Set up proper lighting for the shoots to take place. Try to minimise the background noise using special equipment, such as using lavalier mics or directional mics for the interview sessions and presentations instead of using the camera mic.
You can also make use of on-screen typography or other stylistic techniques, such as downing the camera lens or shifting the focus from the audience to the speaker. Not to mention, mixing in some animation and graphical effects are always good for that final touch – call it “icing on the cake”!
To produce high-quality films out of your live event, it can be risky to cut corners. This is why it’s crucial to hire highly experienced video production professionals who know exactly how to film a conference (or live events) and set up the kind of shots you want them to capture – not to mention, set up a good live mix that will also cut short the post edit process.
Keep the Cameras Rolling
By keeping the cameras rolling at all times, your video production crew can ensure you will capture all those special moments on camera. It’s advisable to have a set of B-roll cameras, the footage from which can be edited later without missing out on the “good stuff”. Not to mention, if you stop recording in between, syncing the audio/video clips can be a challenge when you finally sit down for post-event video editing.
Filming the Audience Matters
Try to capture as much footage of the people in the audience as possible, especially when they are asking questions or engaging directly with the speakers. Also, look forward to taking those shots where they are actually enjoying the event and having a good time. However, it’s not a good idea to use the footage in which you can see empty chairs, or people who don’t look excited or delighted, since the viewers may get an impression that the event wasn’t as interesting as they had expected.
Final Thoughts
Filming live events is a science, and at times, it can be more a more challenging video project than just making a film. The job of your event video production team is to work with you in capturing the essence of the live event experience and producing it in the most visually-appealing way possible.
Keep in mind, one of the primary goals of such a project is to give the target audiences a taste of what your events are like and how they can benefit by signing up for your future live events. When combined with a well-planned marketing strategy, such a video project can result in huge success for your organisation.